
Browser Locations in your Spectrasonics Instruments

This article will explain how to access the various browsers in Omnisphere, Trilian, Keyscape, and Stylus RMX.

Omnisphere and Trilian:

There are three different browsers in Omnisphere & Trilian:

1.  The Multi browser.

2.  The Patch browser.

3.  The Soundsource browser.

Note: for more information about each of these browsers, please refer to the Overview article in the references guide for Omnisphere or Trilian.

Be sure you familiarize yourself with each browser and how they work together.

In Omnisphere 2, there is a Mini-Browser as well, which will always be listed on the left side when the full browser is closed.


The browser in Keyscape, is located on the left side of Keyscape's GUI. This is where you can access the Factory sounds and User patches:

Stylus RMX:

In Stylus RMX, the browser consists of a master directory, and the sound directory (sub-directories). To open the browser, first click on the folder icon shown in the main page of Stylus RMX:

Next, you will need to select a master directory and a sound directory in order to begin browsing grooves and sounds:

To access Multis and Kits, navigate to the Mixer page:

For more extensive information, refer to the appropriate sections of the reference guides:

Omnisphere 2 Reference Guide Browser section HERE

Trilian Reference Guide Browser section HERE

Keyscape Reference Guide Browser Section HERE.

Stylus RMX References Guide Browser Section HERE.