
DAW Issues: FL Studio - Slow Performance After Opening GUI (Windows)

While there are many different variables that can lead to slow performance of Spectrasonics instruments when hosting them in FL Studio, this article goes over a specific issue that is related to the loading of the GUI (graphical user interface) that can slow down everything from loading patches to the visual performance of FL Studio while the instrument interface is open. 

Before proceeding with the steps below, it is important to ensure they are relevant to your situation by confirming the following:

1. The standalone application(s) of your Spectrasonics instrument(s) perform normally with no lag or audio issues, meaning you can load and play sounds. 

2. The performance issues you are seeing are only present in FL Studio and no other DAWs. 

3. You have completed the steps in this Knowledgebase article to ensure the issue is not related to the GPU of your PC.

After you've confirmed those three things, you can proceed to the steps below.

Since our plugins are “DPI unaware, they need the Windows system scaling to scale them.

Bridging opens the plugin outside FL Studio so it can respond to Windows System scaling.

In FL Studio, enable the following options for each Spectrasonics instrument you own:

    1. Select Wrapper processing > Make bridged ON 
    2. Wrapper processing > External window ON 
    3. Wrapper settings > DPI aware when bridged OFF

NOTE: The ‘Make bridged’ option won’t show if the plugin is already bridged. If this is the case, you can proceed without setting it.