
General: I Can’t Find My Sonic Extension(s) in Omnisphere

If you have purchased any Sonic Extension(s) and have installed them by going through the steps in THIS GUIDE, then your Sonic Extensions will be found in Omnisphere by clicking on the Patch Browser Directory as shown below:

If you do not see your Sonic Extensions in the Directory of the Patch Browser then please follow these steps:

1.) Make sure your Omnisphere is up to date. In order to use Sonic Extensions, you'll need Omnisphere version 2.8 which was released on October 19th, 2021. Please update by following the steps in THIS ARTICLE. 

NOTE: If you are on Windows and your Omnisphere software is not updating to version 2.8 within your DAW, please review the troubleshooting steps HERE.

2.) If Omnisphere is up to date and you still do not see your Sonic Extensions in the Directory of the Patch Browser, please locate your Sonic Extensions Installers folder, and run the installers that pertain to your computer (Mac or PC). 

NOTE: If you do not have your Sonic Extensions Installation folder, then you'll need to download new installation folders (CLICK HERE for details on how to access new downloads from the Reinstall tab in your user account).