
Mac (PowerPC): Why am I getting Error ID -43?

If you receive Error ID -43 when attempting to open the plugin or as your sequencer is opening, then this is an indication that there is a problem with the .dat file for the plugin. 

First, make sure that the .dat file is the proper size. 

For Atmosphere, that size is: 3.75 Gigabytes 
For Trilogy, that size is: 3.03 Gigabytes 

Next, make sure that the .dat file is located in the correct plugin folder. 

For AU hosts, the .dat file must be located at: 

     Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plugins/Components 

For VST hosts, the .dat file must be located at: 

     Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plugins/VST 

For Pro Tools, the .dat file must be located at: 

     Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Digidesign/Plugins 

If you have your .dat file(s) on a separate hard drive or partition and want them to remain there, you can create aliases to that .dat file and place them into the plugin folder that corresponds to your sequencer listed above in place of the actual .dat file. 

To create an alias of the .dat file, hold Command (Apple) and Option on the keyboard, click and drag the .dat file to the desktop of the computer. Now you can move the alias to the appropriate folder for your sequencer in place of the actual .dat file.