
Mac - Installing to a Secondary or External Drive

If you want to conserve space on your system drive, you can save an instrument's library folder (STEAM for Omnisphere, Keyscape, Trilian, and SAGE for StylusRMX) to a secondary or external drive instead. 

Before installing, it is important to determine the current format of your hard drive. Additionally, it is important that the external drive is not configured for Time Machine backups.

For Format Guidelines, see here.

Once you have confirmed that your drive is properly formatted, proceed with these steps

  1. Create a new folder called “Spectrasonics Instruments” on your external/secondary drive
  2. Run the appropriate installer for your instrument/operating system
  3. During the “Preparation” stage of the installer, select Choose Location, and select the “Spectrasonics Instruments” folder you created from step #1 

     4. Click continue until the installation is complete.

Note: If there is a pre-existing library folder or folder alias/shortcut at the default location, you will not be able to select a new location at Preparation. You will either need to move the existing library folder or change the location linked via the alias/shortcut, as detailed here