
Notice: Data Properties File Not Found

If you are receiving an error regarding Data Properties when you open your instrument, this may indicate that you need to install the three updates (only two updates for Stylus RMX) from your user account. A quick way to resolve this is to open your instrument as a standalone application and click Get Updates on the left side of the screen.  This will take you to our Smart Update page that will tell you what components need to be updated.  Click the blue Get Updates button on the Smart Update page to download your customer update package.

After the download completes, run the installer from either the Mac or Windows folder to update everything.  If you are on Windows, make sure to Extract or Unzip before running the installer.

Here is an example of the error you may see:

Screen Shot 2019-11-07 at 3.55.16 PM.png

If you are still experiencing an issue, please contact so we can help resolve the issue.