
Usage: Can’t Save User Patches

If you’re unable to save user patches in Omnisphere, first make sure you’re saving your patches to a folder within your User folder as shown in the screenshot below (e.g. Example Folder 1, My Category, etc.):

If you’ve done that and are still unable to save user patches, try checking these settings on your computer:

1.) Make sure your STEAM folder or STEAM alias/shortcut folder is set up properly

Your STEAM folder or STEAM alias/shortcut folder must be located here.

If you want to store the large library files for your instrument on an external drive, it’s important that you link the STEAM or SAGE (Stylus RMX) folder as opposed to the Spectrasonics folder (or any other folder), which contains the STEAM and SAGE folders. Linking your Spectrasonics folder via an alias or shortcut has been known to cause an issue with saving user patches.

If you would like to have your STEAM folder on an external drive, please follow these steps to move the STEAM folder to an external drive and link it properly:

2.) Make sure there are no special characters in the STEAM or SAGE folder file path

Check to make sure there aren’t any special characters in the file path to the default location for the STEAM or SAGE folder.

Here are some examples of special characters: !@#$%^&*?_~

3.) Make sure that the permissions on the STEAM folder are set to "Read and Write" for all users

To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Finder, find your STEAM folder and select it. (For instructions on finding your STEAM folder, click here).
  2. Right-click (or control+click) the STEAM folder and select Get Info. 
  3. At the bottom of the Get Info Window, click on the small arrow to the left of "Sharing and Permissions" to open that section and click the lock in the bottom right-hand corner to unlock. 
  4. Select the "Read and Write" privilege for the name that contains "(Me)". 
  5. Click the small Gear Icon at the bottom of the window and choose "Apply to Enclosed Items" from the pop-up menu. 

If all else fails, try relocating the STEAM folder to a different location on your internal drive.