
Usage: Presets, Tags, or Ratings Don't Save

If your presets, tags, or ratings disappear the next time you open Omnisphere after saving a preset, tag, or rating, a permissions issue may be the culprit. Omnisphere requires STEAM folder permissions to be set correctly so that it can write files within the folder. To fix the STEAM folder permissions, follow these instructions:


In the Finder, locate your STEAM folder - the default location is:

Macintosh HD / Users / Your Username / Library / Application Support / Spectrasonics / STEAM

Note: In Mac OS X 10.7 – 10.11, the Library folder in each User folder is hidden. Select the ‘Go’ menu at the top of your screen while in Finder mode, then hold the ‘option’ key on your keyboard, then select ‘Library’.  If you are unable to locate your User Library in OS X 10.12, select the Go menu at the top of your screen while using the Finder, then select Go to Folder; enter ~/Library – then select Go
  • Right-click (or control + click) the STEAM folder, then select Get Info 
  • At the bottom of the STEAM Info window, click on the small arrow to the left of "Sharing and Permissions" to open that section, then click the lock in the bottom right-hand corner to unlock the 'Lock' icon
  • Select the "Read & Write" privilege for all Names listed
  • Click the small 'Gear' icon at the bottom of the window, then choose "Apply to Enclosed Items" from the pop-up menu.

STEAM Permissions Mac


In Windows explorer, find the STEAM folder:

C:ProgramDataSpectrasonics STEAM

Note: The ProgramData folder is a hidden folder by default on Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista, so you'll need to "Show Hidden Files and Folders" in your Control Panel / Folder Options.
  • Right-click the STEAM folder, then select Properties 
  • In the Properties window, select the Security tab 
  • Click the Edit button 
  • Select "User" in the "Group or Usernames" list 
  • Click the "Allow" checkbox for "Full control" 
  • Click "Apply", then "OK"

STEAM Permissions PC