
Windows - Installing with the Download Manager

This is a guide for using a Download Manager to install on Windows. These steps are applicable to Omnisphere, Keyscape, Trilian, and Stylus RMX. 

After purchasing your instrument from our webshop, you will be brought to a page with download links for your download manager. You will also receive an email invoice as a receipt which contains these links as well. Follow these steps to download your installation folder:

1. Click on the Download Manager for WIN link located in the email or in the web page that you were brought to after purchasing.

NOTE: If you don’t see the email with the download links be sure to check your spam folders. If you still aren’t able to find your download links please contact tech support for help.


2. After clicking on the link, the Download Manager will be downloaded. Open your Downloads folder and double click on the Download Manager.exe 

Download Manager.png


3. The first window that opens up is the Download Manager propmting you to choose where to download the installation folder to. The default location is the Desktop. If you’d like to choose an alternative location you can do so at this step (if you’re downloading to an external drive, be sure to choose a specific folder on that external drive).

NOTE: This is not where your instrument will be installed, this is the location the installation folder will be downloaded to.

Download Location.png


4. After the download is complete, you’ll need to locate and open the Installation folder that was downloaded.

Inside the installation folder.png


5. Inside the installation folder, double click on the Windows folder and begin running the Downloadable Installer.exe

Downloadable Installer.png


6. While running the Setup Wizard, you’ll be prompted to choose a location to install the 64bit VST plugin DLL file. Typically the default location is: C:ProgramFiles/Steinberg /vstplugins  

NOTE: If you have your own custom VST folder, then you can choose that file path instead

7_DLL path.png


7. Next, you’ll be asked to select a location to install the large library (the STEAM or SAGE folder). The default location for the STEAM and SAGE folders are: C:ProgramData/Spectrasonics  

NOTE: If you wish to store the STEAM or SAGE folders on an external hard drive then choose a specifc folder in that alternative location during this step. If you’re installing onto an external hard drive, please refer to our External Hard Drive & SSD Format Guidelines for an optimal setup.

8_STEAM:SAGE path.png


8. After installing, restart your computer then open up your instrument to authorize. Click here to navigate to our Authorization guide.