
Windows Error: "Unable to get the name of the .dat file"

If you try to run the updates for Atmosphere and Trilogy and you recieve the error: 

 "Unable to get the name of the .dat file" 

Please use our SpectraMove utility to properly update your Windows registry. You can download SpectraMove from the Atmosphere or Trilogy updates area in your User Account.

Once the download is complete, right-click the SpectraMove icon to run as administrator and launch the application. Once it is open, note the options available within the drop down menu below: 

Please select the product for which you would like to repair the registry or move the data file. 

You will see Atmosphere and/or Trilogy with either the choice to Repair or Move. 


Select the Move option and follow the instruction prompts. Make sure to choose the CURRENT location where you have saved the .dat file when given the option.


Then click Finish. 

Doing this will update the registry immediately, and you will not have to wait any length of time for the .dat file to transfer. Follow the same procedure if you need to use SpectraMove for another .dat file. 

Close SpectraMove. 

Attempt the Atmosphere 1.2 and/or Trilogy 1.2 updater again.