legacy sample library
Heart Of Africa vol.2
Audio CD-ROM Listing
  • 1 Heart of Africa Vol.2 Demo
  • Ensemble Phrase Samples
  • 2 Maassai Hut Ritual: Pieces performed in a cow dung hut
  • 3 Goli ni Velioh: East African folk song performed after a successful rain
  • 4 Wokanekwao: Traditional Kikuyu dance performed by youth during circumcision ceremony
  • 5 Trukana: Traditional African melody with sacred (Christian) text
  • 6 Rainmakers: Traditional rain dance
  • 7 Kamba Dance: Acrobatic dance introduced during WWI
  • 8 Harvest Song: Kisii folk song
  • 9 Sinarah: Traditional African melody with sacred text
  • 10 Nandi Folk Song
  • 11 Magheda Mamuere: Kikuyu folk song performed by women during harvest time
  • 12 Kaanda: Kikuyu folk song (sung by young man during courtship)
  • 13 Denghe: Meru folk song giving advice to married couples
  • 14 Daghe: Kikuyu traditional dance
  • 15 Misc.Folk excerpt 1: African folk song with sacred text (Christian)
  • 16 Misc.Folk excerpt 2: African folk song with sacred text (Christian)
  • 17 Misc.Folk excerpt 3: African folk song with sacred text (Christian)
  • 18 Misc.Folk excerpt 4: African folk song with sacred text (Christian)
  • 19 Cattle Raid: Calling warriors to search for cattle to steal
  • 20 Mogolyo: Kikuyu folk song about courtship and marriage
  • 21 Blossoming Flowers: Wedding dance
  • 22 Birario Obitoga: Folk song exhorting young couples to maintain marriage vows
  • 23 Anejibi: Traditional folk song
  • 24 Isikuti: Western province folk dance
  • 25 Nyanza: Traditional African melody
  • 26 Achiburu: One-foot dance from Uganda
  • 27 Pokot Seduction Song: Sung to women by victorious warriors
  • 28 Rejoicing Warriors: Pokot traditional dance performed for returning warriors
  • African Animals & SFX
  • 29 Rhino Snorts & Slurps
  • 30 Vervet Monkeys
  • 31 Vervet Monkey Screams
  • 32 Hippo Pools
  • 33 Wildebeest Stampede
  • 34 Mara Crickets
  • 35 Night Crickets 1
  • 36 Night Crickets 2
  • 37 Metal Cricket
  • 38 Tinkle Frogs
  • 39 Plains Crickets
  • 40 Courall
  • 41 Fly-Bys
  • 42 Calabus Monkeys
  • 43 Mara Morning Birds
  • 44 Reed Warblers
  • 45 Weaver Birds -Gathering
  • 46 Weaver Birds -Frenzy
  • 47 Serengetti Rainstorm
  • 48 Tanzanian Brook
  • 49 Maassai Children Playing
  • 50 Maassai Family Breakfast
  • 51 Keyna Marketplace